Many years ago, my insightful primary care physician, Dr. Michael Smith, said very wise words: “We doctors know very little about nutrition, so I’m going to refer you to a wonderful nutritionist. Her name is Laura Knoff. I owe them both. When I first went to consult Laura, I was in really poor condition. Tests showed that my vitamin and mineral reserves were at a pathetically poor level. I also turned out to be resistant to dairy and gluten. Within a few months, there was a noticeable turnaround. Laura also gave me really wonderful advice on fats. I come from a family which went to great lengths to avoid fats, and all of them were dead of heart disease in their fifties. Laura’s advice preceded that later published by Michael Pollan at UC-Berkeley, and now further confirmed by much more nutritionally educated physicians. She said “Do not eat margarine. East butter. Never purchase fat-reduced foods, because manufacturers add noxious products to preserve taste. Essential vitamins A, D, E. and K are fat soluble. Even a paragon of healthy eating, my wife Karine Schomer, has benefited greatly from consulting Laura. The real health threat comes from sugars. Recently, Laura came by and spent a couple of hours with us, refining some of her advice. Her knowledge of food biochemistry is encyclopedic. This gave me the opportunity of photographing her.

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